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What a Lucky Number

熱度 5已有 271 次閱讀2013-10-1 05:57 | Chinese, number, matter, record, Lucky

It was so embarrassing that I saw 888 on my record there. As a matter of fact, it happened on Sep. 23. Yes, you are right. It keeps counting and I dare not check what number it is for now. *chuckles* OMG…am I so talktive?


But it is said 8 means fa cai ( make a fortune ) in Chinese, you know. I guess I would make a big fortune then…888! In that case, I should not have posted anything more since my lucky day last month! Now it is too late…*sobs*









剛表態過的朋友 (4 人)

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回覆 cadson 2013-10-2 21:45
回覆 paintball123 2013-10-3 00:19
For next lucky digit, 8000 more to go. Good Luck~
回覆 bcafe 2013-10-3 12:43
cadson: 什麼事
回覆 bcafe 2013-10-3 12:48
paintball123: For next lucky digit, 8000 more to go. Good Luck~
What a surprise! You are the last one I expected from this forum to give me a feedback here. ( Didn't you say you were 懶~very~big~?) Hahaha~
回覆 paintball123 2013-10-3 17:37
Yeah.... Trust me, I might be the last one to endorse, or at least to comment on this diary. I had bad experiences here with some English haters, and still believe most people here do not like/use English. I guess you use English quite often at work, right?
回覆 Tabooo 2013-10-3 19:35
It's good being talkative,  there's nothing to embarrass about . Try to get to the next lucky number~~8888~~and wish you good luck! (hehehe~)
回覆 bcafe 2013-10-4 18:46
Tabooo: It's good being talkative,  there's nothing to embarrass about . Try to get to the next lucky number~~8888~~and wish you good luck! (hehehe~)
To my surprise, again...I am happy to see you ( and your evil grins hehehe ) here, Ms. T.  hahaha~
Yeah you're right, good to be talktive when it comes to a forum.
I just hope the others enjoy chatting as much as we do, either in English or in Chinese.
回覆 bcafe 2013-10-4 18:50
paintball123: Yeah.... Trust me, I might be the last one to endorse, or at least to comment on this diary. I had bad experiences here with some English haters, and  ...
Heh...beautifully, you impressed me once more. Yeah I need to speak some English while working. So do you? I never went abroad to study English though. That's why my English is kind of like...Taiwanese English, I guess? *chuckles* Lucky I only post on my own blog, so...um, maybe you don't mind telling me what happened before between you and those English haters. Oh, I mean when you do have the mood to chat, of course. Anyway...so glad to see your comment here.  
回覆 cadson 2013-10-4 19:10
回覆 bcafe 2013-10-4 19:13
cadson: 888,好,
太好了,888天使 vs 666撒旦...
回覆 paintball123 2013-10-4 22:01
I believe your English is far~far~ beyond the average, and you quite enjoyed it, right?      Maybe we are similar in some way, like both of us never studied English abroad but still need to use it at work. For me, I reply e-mails everyday.  It's a useful tool to me with some fun, but not a hobby. So my English remains the same level as a high school boy for years(s).      Not enough to be a novelist , but pretty enough to communicate with many   non-English  English speakers.   For my bad experience, maybe later somewhere else. It's rude to talk about it in your Happy-Lucky-Diary~
回覆 cadson 2013-10-5 07:07
Well, my English is not so good, give us a native line, if your face yeah Brits are out of the question. HA HA HA HA


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