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[專輯] |經典| Che'Nelle(香奈兒)《Luv Songs》翻唱專輯13曲目(原創)(鈴聲)

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本帖最後由 藍蝶 於 2014-2-3 00:59 編輯

◎ 制霸日本ORICON與iTunes西洋榜五週冠軍!銷售大破30萬張!勇奪金唱片大賞「最佳企劃專輯」
◎ 取材東洋流行到西洋名曲,動人嗓音唱著、屬於你我愛情裡的點點滴滴
◎ 收錄日本手機鈴聲下載年度冠軍曲〈Baby I Love U〉,以及英文重新翻唱包括「日本音樂教父」久保田利伸、生物股長、米西亞、沐月、鈴木雅之...等經典名曲
◎ 特別收錄以日文演唱坂本九50週年成名曲〈上を向いて歩こう〉(Sukiyaki)

居住於洛杉磯的R&B歌手,香奈兒Che`Nelle,有著「墜入愛戀之中、動心的嗓音」。2005年於MySpace發表個人創作而被發掘出道,隨後與美國音樂大廠Capitol Records簽下一紙合約。2006年,更被選為Kanye West澳洲巡演的開場嘉賓。2007年,以出道單曲〈I Fell In Love With The DJ〉大受歡迎,首張專輯《Things Happen For A Reason》更在日本拿下公信榜西洋榜冠軍專輯的榮耀!香奈兒也同時席捲了日本數位音樂界,光是在日本國內的下載次數便大破190萬次。收錄單曲〈First Love〉、〈Feel Good〉的第二張大碟《Feel Good》於2010年發行;同時,香奈兒開始積極朝向創作歌手的領域發展,也為Leona Lewis等人譜寫歌曲。

因為以英文重新翻唱「日本音樂教父」久保田利伸一曲〈Missing〉,香奈兒的翻唱功力引發日本流行樂壇的熱離迴響與高度關注。2011年,香奈兒再以英文翻唱日本歌手TEE的單曲〈Baby I Love U〉,不但在日本拿下來電鈴聲西洋榜下載冠軍及綜合榜下載冠軍,並獲得「想讓你聽到的歌曲No.1」的榮耀。

「新世代R&B歌姬」香奈兒Che’Nelle的個人首張翻唱專輯《Luv Songs》,包括以英文重新演繹〈Baby I Love U〉、〈Sunshine Girl〉、〈For You〉等日本最新流行作品,以及〈Missing〉、〈Sakura〉、〈Everything〉等永恆東洋金曲,此外並翻唱〈So Sick〉、〈Lovin` You〉、〈Saving All My Love For You〉等西洋經典排行。此外,2011年是日本知名歌手坂本九成名曲〈上を向いて歩こう〉(中譯:昂首向前;英名〈Sukiyaki〉)發行屆滿50周年的時刻,香奈兒特別以日文原詞、重新演唱,向這位經典歌手致意。

超越東、西洋音樂界限,香奈兒個人首張翻唱大碟《Luv Songs》,不但勇奪ORICON公信榜西洋榜冠軍,更在日本iTunes締造46天日榜冠軍的驚人紀錄,成為日本流行樂壇當今的矚目歌手。


1.Baby I Love U(原唱:TEE)
2.Sunshine Girl(原唱:沐月moumoon)
3.For You(原唱:lecca)
4.So Sick(原唱:Ne-Yo)
7.Garasu Goshi ni Kieta Natsu(ガラス越しに消えた夏;原唱:鈴木雅之)
8.Missing (English Version)(原唱:久保田利伸)
9.Saving All My Love For You(原唱:Whitney Houston)
10.Lovin` You(原唱:Minnie Riperton)
11.Without You(原唱:Debbie Gibson)
12.Sukiyaki (Japanese Ver.)(上を向いて歩こう;原唱:坂本九)

(Ctrl+F 打上歌曲名稱即可快速找到您要的鈴聲唷!)




【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Baby I Love U
【檔案大小】:1.74 MB

Baby I love you, I love you, I love you
I have found the only one, only one that is meant for me
You"re always on my mind,
I"ll go through whatever
Me and you will ride into eternity

Baby I love you, I love you, I love you
I swear you"re the only one, only one
Nothing"s gonna change
I"m always by your side, this is forever
Like the stars my love will shine next to your heart
[鈴聲 45秒]Che\'Nelle - Baby I Love U.mp3 (1.74 MB, 下載次數: 90)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Sunshine Girl
【檔案大小】:1.17 MB

Shine my heart, it"s a beautiful day
Lights get brighter on the sea shore
Set me free, it"s my holiday
Step with the music all day long

Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl
I like it, Happy day Summer day
Sun shines for you
Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl
I like it, Happy day Summer day
Sun shines for you
[鈴聲 30秒]Che\'Nelle - Sunshine Girl.mp3 (1.17 MB, 下載次數: 35)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:For You
【檔案大小】:1.01 MB

Because of you I am much stronger now
No one does it like you do
You can make me smile without you here
And I appreciate my life, my happiness
Coz we"ll be together, no matter where you are
[鈴聲 26秒]Che\'Nelle - For You.mp3 (1.01 MB, 下載次數: 14)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:So Sick
【檔案大小】:1.57 MB

Cuz I"m so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I"m so sick of love songs,
So sad and slow
So why can"t I turn off the radio?
(why can"t I turn off the radio?) x2
[鈴聲 40秒]Che\'Nelle - So Sick.mp3 (1.57 MB, 下載次數: 17)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Sakura
【檔案大小】:1.38 MB

Sakura when I see it all hit the ground
My heart gets weak
"Cause that dream that you and I had made
Is still so clear in me
And I wonder if that day will come
Where we could make it real
Baby will I ever see you
Sakura will I breathe again
[鈴聲 36秒]Che\'Nelle - Sakura.mp3 (1.38 MB, 下載次數: 27)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Everything
【檔案大小】:1.30 MB

You"re everything, you"re everything
Youd show me all the joy that love could bring
My reason to be living, you"re my destiny
Your love is everything to me
[鈴聲 33秒]Che\'Nelle - Everything.mp3 (1.3 MB, 下載次數: 10)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Garasu Goshi ni Kieta Natsu
【檔案大小】:1.76 MB

From my baby to a lady
You moved on and said goodbye
And the days we spent are now just memories

Broken hearts need time for mending
I take a trip down memory lane
And I know now I was a fool
"Cos I"m alone, with only memories of you
[鈴聲 46秒]Che\'Nelle - Garasugoshi ni Kieta Natsu.mp3 (1.76 MB, 下載次數: 9)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Missing (English Version)
【檔案大小】:1.41 MB

I love you, come to me and I will hold you tight
I take what"s wrong and I make it right
Show you boy that I am still, I"m still the one
I miss that morning glow up on your face
That"s mind, that kiss, your all warm embrace
Oh please believe it"s true, no one just can make it through
I"m missing you
[鈴聲 36秒]Che\'Nelle - Missing (English Version).mp3 (1.41 MB, 下載次數: 34)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Saving All My Love For You
【檔案大小】:1.68 MB

No other woman is gonna love you more
Cause tonight is the night
That I"m feeling all right
We"ll be making love the whole night through
So I"m saving all my love
Yes So I"m saving all my love
Yes So I"m saving all my love for you, for you
[鈴聲 43秒]Che\'Nelle - Saving All My Love for You.mp3 (1.68 MB, 下載次數: 8)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Lovin" You
【檔案大小】:1.79 MB

Loving you is more than just a dream come true
Everything that I do is out of loving you

La la la la la ........
La la la la la ........
Doo doo din doo doo ah

Loving you
La la la la la ........
Doo doo din doo doo
[鈴聲 46秒]Che\'Nelle - Lovin\' You.mp3 (1.79 MB, 下載次數: 18)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Without You
【檔案大小】:1.24 MB

Life wouldnt be the same without you
That whole world revolves around you
And when I"ve called on you
You were always there
Only a true frierd can give me
All the joy each day you bring me
have to tell you "cause it"s true
Life wouldn"t be the same
Wlthout you
[鈴聲 32秒]Che\'Nelle - Without You.mp3 (1.24 MB, 下載次數: 12)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Sukiyaki (Japanese Ver.)
【檔案大小】:1.32 MB

(拼音歌詞) ue o muite arukou
namida ga kobore naiyouni
nakinagara aruku
hitoribotchi no yoru
[鈴聲 34秒]Che\'Nelle - Sukiyaki (Japanese Ver.).mp3 (1.32 MB, 下載次數: 4)


【歌  手】:Che"Nelle(香奈兒)
【歌  名】:Missing
【檔案大小】:1.39 MB

(拼音歌詞) I LOVE YOU kanawa naimononaraba
isso wasure tainoni wasure rarenai subete ga
I MISS YOU yurusa rerukotonaraba
daki shimeteitainosa hikari no gogo mo hoshi no yoru mo Baby
[鈴聲 36秒]Che\'Nelle - Missing.mp3 (1.39 MB, 下載次數: 16)




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我超愛So Sick xD 我是聽林育羣上 關8 才認識 Everything !! 同樣也超棒的!!  發表於 2014-2-4 22:07


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