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[更新] 《付費插件》30AA v1.4 版本

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發表於 2015-8-6 13:13

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《付費插件》30AA v1.4 版本



1. 作者發布相關 軟體 / 文章 ,皆需要各位的持與鼓勵,希望各位進行留言,給發布者一個支持與鼓勵,但請勿以簡短句子灌水哦。

2. 若您覺得本文對您很有幫助,可以給予評分,評分乃系統支出,並不會扣到自身積分,請放心評分。

3. 若對本文 軟體、內容 相關有建議可以進行留言或者是利用論壇簡訊功能,進行告知。

4. 目前論壇正在招募 『資源組』,若您是熱愛發布軟體的會員們,歡迎進行申請,若您也有能力也可以申請其他職務。

2014 / 07 / 21 編輯


IOS 8.4
iPhone 6-iOS 8.4
com.macciti.30aa_v1.4_iphoneos-arm.deb (24.56 MB, 下載次數: 0)


1. 必須已越獄,未越獄者請先進行越獄。越獄教學:
解放你的iPhone吧! 太極越獄 iOS 8.1.2 詳盡越獄圖文教學
越獄全攻略!太極越獄 iOS 8.1.3/8.2/8.3/8.4 詳盡越獄圖文教學
2. 必須為iOS 8系統,因為目前只專在iOS 8上測試使用,非使用iOS 8的請斟酌使用!


30aa is the culmination of long hours of attempting to meticulously maintain a fine balance between pixelated detail and simple flat design. Keeping with Sir Jonny Ive’s love of flat design, 30aa is the second iteration of flat icon design by @tvdmd (the first flat design theme was 28aa).
It all started with color selection for the specific app for which an icon is made. 3 colorblind fairies Hollywood, California from a total of 100 were recruited through an extensive process involving a precise and robust selection process. After multiple rounds of rose-giving ceremonies where fairy after fairy were weeded out (even the slutty drunk one), these 3 colorblind fairies were tasked with creating a color palette for the theme at hand. Given they were colorblind, it was soon apparent that the selection process was extremely flawed and the fairies won through nefarious means. So, the 3 fairies were taken to the Pond of Reflection in Burbank, California and drowned in front of their fairy families for their treachery.
A new process was initiated where 12 of Africa’s finest honeybees from the purest pedigrees were hunted and brought back to the lab. They were trained with one task and allowed to pollinate the purest of flowers. At 6:05pm each day, these winged creatures were locked in the Honeycomb, and produced the finest of icons from their bee holes (that’s why we didn’t use donkeys). Day after day, they lined up in specific but different formations, and in unison, while humming the Power Rangers theme song (you know Go Go Power Rangers! Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!!) and produced the finest icons that you see here in this theme. Each icon was left untouched in each compartment of the honeycomb for @tvdmd to collect on a daily basis.
It is through the hard work of these heavenly bees that 30aa was realized. We hope you beeeee enjoying it.
(actually, @tvdmd, made these icons himself when he found time but that’s way too boreal).
PS – If you can’t pay for this theme because: 1) you’re going through hard times and can’t spare the money, 2) don’t have paypal or amazon payments in your country, 3) don’t have a credit card because you’re too young, then send me an email via the link below or find me on twitter at @tvdmd and let me know and we’ll figure something out. I promise. I’d rather not have you pirate it.


該插件已發表至官方預設軟體源BigBoss/ModMyi/ZodTTD & MacCiti,所以可直接搜尋該插件並安裝即可,或是當然您也可以從上方下載該插件的deb檔案並透過手機檔案瀏覽工具進行安裝!
(deb檔案安裝教學:把下載好的deb檔案放到以下路徑 //var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall/,然後重新開機即可歐!)


1. 作者所發布相關軟體/教學,皆需要大家的支持與鼓勵,希望各位進行留言,給發布者一個支持與鼓勵,但請勿以簡短句子灌水哦。
2. 若您覺得本文對您很有幫助,可以給予評分,評分乃系統支出,並不會扣到自身積分,請放心評分。
3. 若對本文 軟體、內容 相關有建議可以進行留言或者是利用論壇簡訊功能,進行告知。
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