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[教學] 我來告訴大家,到底什麼是SPL

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SPL,Second Program Loader,實際就是android的bootloader,用來引導系統的,(和pc的BIOS有點類似。)
除了用來加載android 系統外,它還有其他的一些功能,包括恢復模式,Fastboot(刷系統),HBoot(???)。
最終SPL就是用來讀寫flash rom的。除此之外,SPL還會檢查要刷的數據文件是否正確。
當前大多數SPL,可以讓我們刷寫完整的系統rom,但是無法刷寫recovery rom和boot image,因為spl會檢查recovery 和boot img的簽名。
不過有高人(Haykuro)修改了SPL,移除check功能,這就是Engineering SPL,

所以論壇裡說的,spl和非spl 是不明確的,其實大家所說的刷spl是刷修改過的spl
  1.    #
  2.      So what is an SPL anyway? What does it do?

  3.      The SPL, or Second Program Loader, is essentially the Android bootloader. It's job is more than just loading the Android OS - it also offers several other boot options, including Recovery mode, Fastboot, and HBOOT modes, and ultimately it's the SPL that allows manipulation of the flash nand on your device. Part of the SPL's job is to ensure that the data flashed to the device is correct. Most of the current shipping SPLs (apart from the "Perfect SPL's) let us flash a complete ROM image, but don't let us flash a recovery rom or boot image as it checks the verification signature. Haykuro has modified the SPL's available to remove this check and this is what the Engineering SPL's available offer. As the SPL is so crucial to the handset though, you have to be very careful when flashing it as if it's updated incorrectly then you may be incapable of restoring it without specialised hardware and knowledge. You essentially have a very expensive brick ;)

from:http://wiki.xda-developers.com/i ... TC_Sapphire_Hacking
xda-developers.com 是國外比較著名的HTC手機論壇,英文好的,可以在這個論壇和他的wiki 淘到好的東西,

這裡是Original SPL list : (from:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=529019
Please update us on any new SPL's so we can include them in this list.

- HBOOT-1.33.0004 (SAPP10000) : Sapphire PVT 32B SHIP S-ON G : CPLD-10 (Voldafone NL + UK + Australia)
- HBOOT-1.33.0008 (SAPP10000) : Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-ON H : CPLD-12 (TIM (Italian))
- HBOOT-1.3300.0009 (SAPP10000) : Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-ON H : CPLD-12 (Nordic Magic A6161)
- HBOOT-1.33.0009 (SAPP10000) : Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-OFF H : CPLD-12 (Belgian HTC)
- HBOOT-1.33.0009 (SAPP10000) : Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-ON H : CPLD-12 (Greek)
- HBOOT-1.33.0009 (SAPP50000) : Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-OFF H : CPLD-11 (Rogers)
- HBOOT-1.33.0009 (SAPP50000) : Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-ON H : CPLD-12 (Rogers)
- HBOOT-1.33.0010 (SAPP10000) : Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-ON H : CPLD-12
- HBOOT-1.33.3004 (SAPP30000) : Sapphire PVT 32B DEV S-ON G : CPLD-10 (ION)
- HBOOT-1.33.3005 from the Japanese ION

Haykuro quote : "T-Mobile myTouch : 1.33.0006 and 1.33.0010 is the dreaded "perfected" SPL".
This means that it's currently not possible to run "fastboot boot image" on these SPL's, so don't try to flash them.
==(1.33.0006 and 1.33.0010 目前還沒被解鎖,就不能刷fastboot boot image")

SPL Info
- The G or H at the end identify if it's a Google or HTC SPL
- ENG : Engineering version
- SHIP : Shipment version
- DEV : Development version (ION)
- S-off and S-on : Security on and off (writing directly to nand or not) , most probably not SPL linked.
- PVT 32A (HTC branded) : 288MB RAM / Qualcomm MSM7200a           ==(主板類型)
- PVT 32B (Google branded) : 192MB RAM / Qualcomm MSM7201a
- CPLD XX : What does this mean?
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